We’re in 2025, and online classes aren’t a new thing anymore, literally, everybody has taken one, especially if you’re a student. Though, this online classes boom actually came during the Covid-19 pandemic, but now it is more like a regular way of studying, you know? And it is true that, just like anything else in life, this whole online classes scene isn’t perfect, like, there are a few concerning things, and some things that are just amazing to look at from teachers’, parents and students’ perspectives. If you really want to understand what’s so good and what’s not so good with online classes, then just keep on reading. That’s only because we’re about to get down on the possible online classes advantages and disadvantages today, so you get the full picture here, you know? Alright, let’s just get going now.
Online Classes Advantages
1. Literally Learn When You Want
Don’t lie, as students, every one of us always wished that school worked around your time and not the other way around, right? But, that’s in a way possible with online classes because it just lets you choose when to study. Like, with this, you don’t have to wake up early or rush to catch the bus. Sure enough, if mornings aren’t your thing, go ahead and take your lessons in the afternoon or even late at night, which is super convenient, to say the least. So yes, when they say that online learning fits your schedule, it is a 100% true.
2. And Study Anywhere
Anywhere? Oh yes, we actually mean that here! How? Well, with online classes, just forget sitting in a classroom all day. With online classes, study from bed, the park or even at a family visit. If you have the internet, your classroom is wherever you want it to be! Simple as that!!
3. Save Money, And It’s Important
Well, it is true and not a hidden fact that most schools cost a lot, you know, like gas, bus fare, lunch money, books and other supplies. And with online classes? Oh, well, those just cut down on those expenses. And how’s that? Well, a lot of the materials used in online classes are free or low-cost, meaning you can save money while learning.
4. Pick Any Class You Want, Quite Literally!
See, with online classes, it isn’t always the basic stuff and main subjects taught in school, nah, you can literally learn anything like video game design or gourmet dessert making. Anything! A wide range of subjects to choose from online, especially larger subjects that may not be in your local school, and that’s the best bit about it all.
5. You Know, Learn at Your Own Speed
It is true and many studies out there support it that some people learn fast, while others need more time. And sure enough, online classes let you go at your pace. Like, you can watch a lesson over and over till it makes sense if you don’t understand something, how about that?
6. Get Better at Using Tech, Which Is Another Plus
See, as we already told you, when it comes to online classes, it is not just about the subject taught in school, but also the technology that you learn to use, you know? How’s that helpful though? You see, you will learn how to send emails, make presentations and use online applications, and you never know how useful these things become later down the line for you.
7. You Can Rewatch Lessons Anytime
Rewatching a class? Oh, that’s probably one of the best and most convenient factors about online study and online classes as a whole, no two ways about that. Like, even if the classes aren’t recorded, you can record them yourself when it is streaming and watch it later.
Online Classes Disadvantages
1. No Face-to-Face Talk, A Big Miss
Asking a doubt in an online class? Oh, good luck with that actually! That’s the biggest disadvantage with online study, like, you can’t clear your doubts right away, and not a lot of students are a big fan of that.
2. YOU Have to Keep Yourself Motivated, Always
No teacher is there to remind you to do your work, and we get it, kids can be lazy sometimes, and it can actually become a burden on them later on since they’d have to work even harder to cover up the syllabus and that can be a big deciding factor in achieving passing marks. So yes, students, with online classes, it’s all up to you.
3. It Can Feel Lonely, Which Is A Big Concern
Yes, yes, we get it, although learning from home can be fun, it can be a little lonely, you know? Without classmates, there is no project work and also no lunch gossip. And because we humans are social beings, that can literally hurt our mental health, and that’s kinda becoming a big problem.
4. Some Subjects Are Harder Online, You know?
Sure, math and science are technical subjects that you may find hard to learn since it’s not as easy to learn without the teacher explaining them right away, you know? Like, you see, when it comes to online classes you usually don’t get a chance to ask questions on the spot and have to wait for an email reply or try and figure out a solution yourself.
5. Often, Tech Problems Happen
No internet, and no online class, simple as that! Or it could be that your device isn’t working, in that case also, NO ONLINE CLASS! So, tech dependency is a big thing here.
6. And Yes, It’s Kinda Easy to Cheat
This may sound like a small thing, but if you really get to think about it for a sec, cheating in online classes is so common these days and it can really hurt the academics of your little one. And these days, with AI in the mix, it is super easy already.
That’s all! As you just saw, just like anything else in life, online classes can’t be judged on a few factors, there are always good and bad aspects of everything, and that’s precisely what’s up with online classes these days. Though, mostly, if utilised well, online classes can be one of the best ways of learning things and studying.